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Know that I will always be with you. Know that you do not have to put up walls around you. Above all else, know that you deserve to be happy.
— The Mage's note to Toriel, Part 50

The Mage was the third human to fall into the Underground and the green soul of Kindness. They were the only human who lived a long life underground and were one of the three heroes who ended the Waterfall Incident.



Little is known about the Mage's appearance. In all visual depictions, they are shown with a hooded cloak and a heart pendant on their chest and seen clutching a wooden staff.

After the Waterfall Incident, the Mage wore their hood up at all times and used magic to obscure their facial features.


When they first fell down, the Mage was a kind yet awkward child with a passion for cooking. They were intrigued by monsterkind and were touched when Queen Toriel offered her home to them. Though they truly felt at home in the Kingdom of Monsters, they knew that despite learning their magic, they would never be a monster; they would always live set apart as a creature of flesh and blood.

Deep within, the Mage suffered from survivor's guilt, as their strange ability to turn back time saved Toriel from death but also caused the death of the Bravery SOUL. They were inquisitive and eager to better understand this ability to prevent further sorrow, but were still unable to prevent the Waterfall Incident or the deaths of the other humans, no matter how kind they were.[1]



The Mage was the third human to fall Underground, following the death of the Patience SOUL. They were eventually found by the Royal Guard and taken in by Toriel, where they stayed for the rest of their life. Presumably during this time, they learned how to utilize magic, and for a brief period they shared a home with the Bravery SOUL. According to the Secret Pages, this human eventually grew homesick and confronted Toriel in order to leave. Upon her death, the Mage turned back time to save her, which caused further tension between the two humans. Eventually, the Bravery SOUL died, and as the Mage had saved elsewhere, the death was permanent.

Some time after, the Mage recieved a letter from Gerson about a human (Integrity SOUL) found wounded in the snow, brought to Snowdin Town for recovery. They were en route to meet with The Integrity SOUL, but eventually it was too late. The Waterfall Incident had begun. The Integrity SOUL started a massacre in Waterfall for survival. The Mage, Toriel and Gerson eventually encountered her and tried to reason, but to no avail. The Mage was forced to reload and repeat the battle several times (presumably due to the Integrity SOUL killing the trio) until eventually, the human perished.

Some time after this, the Mage reached out to Dr. Gaster in order to better understand their time-travelling powers, and the two studied their powers together.

One day, Gaster programmed a self aware email client to antagonize humans on the surface as a petty prank for banishing monsters underground. The Mage, concerned for how unruly the program could be, tricked Gaster into visiting the dump one day, pilfered the disc with the prototype disc, and abandoned it in the dump.

The Mage died of old age and was buried in Waterfall after living a long life with monsters. Their final request was for Toriel to absorb their SOUL, cross the Barrier and form a relationship with the humans, treating them the same kindness she showed the Mage, 10 years before Toriel retreated to her kingdom and 13 years before Frisk fell underground.[2]



The Mage's presence left a lasting impact. Though revered as one of the heroes who saved Monster kind from annihilation at the hands of a child, the Waterfall Incident left many monsters conflicted. Waterfall plaques showcase a fearful mentality- how could they trust the one human who stayed when others showed more violent tendencies? If a child could kill so many, what did that say about adults?

Even today, the Mage's humanity is often overlooked in order to avoid confronting the fact that a human had saved monsters in the past.


  1. "The mage realized that no matter how kindly they treated others, they could not save the other humans from their fates, nor could they stop tragedies such as the Waterfall Incident. They died of old age, wracked with survivor’s guilt." - A post on tumblr

Main Cast FloweyFriskCharaPAPYRUSAsgore DreemurrNapstablookSansAlphysMad Mew MewMettatonUndyneToriel
Ruins FroggitDummyRuins Bullies
Snowdin Dogamy and DogaressaDoggoLesser DogGreater DogSnowdin TrioSnowmanJerryMonster Kid
Waterfall Bassiere von Dohj IIIKnight KnightMadjickRG 01 and RG 02GersonMasaSpout WassarBratty and Catty
Hotland RG 03 and RG 04GlydeSo SorryParsnikAstigmatismMigospelMisyrmMuffetBurgerpants
The CORE Robot 98Robot 100The Season Dudes
True Lab MechamalgamatesMemoryheads
NULL SpamtonLilac
Other Characters Fallen humans (The Mage) • W.D. Gaster